Three months ago, the Ralph Gonsalves administration imposed a mandate on teachers and other public servants, forcing them to get injected or be fired. No one expected this wicked act against citizens by a labour government. It was a declaration of war against the right to bodily autonomy and freedom of conscience. The ULP Government was bent on forcing the choice of mothers, fathers and young employees to violate their consciences for a piece of bread.
What was worse, was the fact that there was no scientific or health rationale for this draconian edict, though the mindless pundits claimed they were devotees of “the science”. The “science” referenced by them continues to be a mystery to the ardent researcher. It more reflects the senselessness of fake news, misinformation and disinformation. The asinine measures defy all science and logic and continue to rob many innocent workers of their income and mental health.
The mandate is based on the long-debunked assumption that one can create a safe workplace for employees by forcing said employees to inject an experimental substance into their arms. The lie is that somehow this will prevent transmission of a virus within the working environment. How? Has it done so? Where? Such modern-day sorcery passes as “the science”.
Not only is it a gross deception, but the so-called vaccines (herein referred to as mexcines) were never tested for efficacy in preventing infection and transmission of the “novel” coronavirus. The manufacturers focused their trials on the mexcines’ ability to prevent severe outcomes such as hospitalizations and deaths. Even with that emphasis, data continue to emerge worldwide on the utter failure of these mexcines to prevent severe outcomes in the mexcinated person. In the UK, you are more likely to die from covid after taking the mexcines than you are without the jab. Check the UK’s Government statistics.
The mexcines do not stop transmission. One can only speak of safety from the virus in the workplace if there is a mechanism to stop transmission. The delays in the Budgetary debates in SVG on the account of an unsafe working environment created by fully mexcinated ULP parliamentarians is proof of the failure of these substances of sorcery. Meanwhile, our local officials continue to slavishly peddle the lie that the objective of a safe workplace is met by forcing workers into injection centres to be jabbed. Such unscientific minds are driven, not by any proven science but by various materialistic goals at the expense of the health and rights of Vincentians. They enjoy the fruits of delusion as they shower the country with spittle heavy with misinformation and disinformation.
“Go get your booster” is the latest unscientific mantra. After firing and frustrating hundreds of teachers and public servants, the Ralph Gonsalves administration classified all they have done as “the work of God”. Some rabid supporters see the deprivation suffered by teachers as their latest source of amusement. The morally vacuous yes-men who are permanent satellites of a wicked government, continue to cheer on every morally depraved measure inflicted against us.
The mandate reflects an unscientific mind. It is absolutely cruel and illogical. God will certainly punish this unrepentant Pharoah-type government from whose bosom this tyranny emerged. What a wicked bunch!
Shefflorn Ballantyne
Under Religious Persecution