Heartbreaking Report of Animal Cruelty at Old ET Joshua Airport
I am writing to you with a heavy heart, compelled by the unimaginable cruelty that was reported to our Foundation tonight. While this horrifying act doesn’t fall within our jurisdiction, as an organization dedicated to ending all forms of animal and human rights abuse, we cannot remain silent.
On Sunday, February 9, 2025, a witness saw something so appalling at the old ET Joshua Airport that they reached out to our Foundation tonight, shaken and disturbed beyond measure. What they described is a level of cruelty that words cannot fully capture.
A grey truck arrived, and from it, several men stepped out. They began chasing a black dog with a long, wooden stick, striking it mercilessly. The witness said the dog’s scream was one of pure agony, a sound that will haunt them forever. The blow was so brutal that the dog collapsed, lifeless, on the ground.
But the horror didn’t stop there. The men continued to strike the dog with the stick, showing no remorse, no humanity. Then, they picked up the dead dog by its leg, stuffed it into an empty dog food bag, tied it shut, and tossed it into the back of the truck like it was nothing more than trash.
The cruelty was sickening, but what followed was even worse. The witness saw these same men emerging from the green buildings with red roofs, carrying more bags filled with dead dogs. They too were carelessly thrown into the back of the truck, treated like refuse.
The witness is deeply disturbed, as are we. To witness such violence, in broad daylight, in a public space, is beyond comprehension.
These animals endured unimaginable suffering, and for what?
Because they were vulnerable, helpless, and powerless.
This incident is part of a much larger issue of animal cruelty in St. Vincent that cannot be ignored. We cannot let these atrocities continue without consequence.
The witness has asked to remain anonymous, but their story deserves to be heard. The world must know what is happening to these innocent animals, and we hope that by bringing this to light, it will ignite action to put an end to the suffering.