Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent has authorized police to shoot untethered cattle, which are increasingly becoming a nuisance for many communities.
Gonsalves, addressing listeners on WEFM radio on Sunday, emphasized the problem of stray cattle wandering in the Diamond area, especially near the Sir Vincent Beache Stadium.
“I am certain about this; I have already notified the police, as allowed by the law.” I provided comparable instructions when a similar issue arose in the Argyle area, during the construction of the aerodrome for the Argyle International Airport. Animal owners believed it was acceptable to have their animals untied in the area, and I informed the police to take action against them. “The police shot the first one, and that concluded the matter,” Gonsalves stated. ‘
“Some things are meant to be kept, while others are not.” In contemporary society, it is intolerable to permit individuals to vandalize public facilities that have required significant financial investment. The Sir Vincent Beache Stadium in Diamond has already incurred a cost of EC$40 million. And I suggest we take action against them.
Gonsalves expressed that he was taking a pragmatic approach and felt that the actions of one or two reckless individuals should not dictate the fate of the community.