A handing-over ceremony was held at the Fisheries Headquarters, where fishers affected by Hurricane Beryl received ice boxes and fishing gear. This initiative, aimed at restoring their livelihoods, was made possible through a partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the Ministry of Agriculture.
The project aims to provide immediate and critical humanitarian assistance by restoring the food security and essential food production capacity of the most affected and vulnerable artisanal fishers and actors along the fisheries value chain in St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Critical emergency support will be provided to vulnerable artisanal fishers, actors along the fisheries value chain such as fish cleaners and fish vendors and sea moss farmers through the distribution of fishing gears and tools, small boat repairs and post-harvest processing, storage and other essential livelihood tools.
This will allow the immediate resumption of subsistence fishing and will restore access to nutritious food. The support to post-harvest activities will benefit vulnerable groups involved in fishing activities, many of them vulnerable women.
Overall Project Objective: Improve food security and essential food production capacity of the most affected and vulnerable artisanal fishers and actors along the fisheries value chain affected by Hurricane Beryl.