BELFAST, Northern Ireland – The Capital of Northern Ireland has successfully renewed its dual ‘Fairtrade City’ status for another two years to 2018.
Sheena Biju, a Fairtrade coffee producer from India, joined Dr Christopher Stange – Hon. Consul of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to Northern Ireland and Chair of Fairtrade Belfast, to present Cllr. Julie-Anne Corr Thompson – Belfast City Council’s Chair of the People and Communities Committee, with a certificate confirming the renewal of the status from both the UK Fairtrade Foundation and Fairtrade Ireland.
Belfast first achieved Fairtrade City status with the UK Fairtrade Foundation in 2005 and then in 2006 with Fairtrade Ireland. It is the only city to hold dual accreditation, from both the UK and Ireland based Fairtrade Foundations, successfully holding this dual accolade for 6 successive cycles.
Dr Christopher Stange said: “We’re delighted that Belfast as the capital of Northern Ireland has renewed its Fairtrade status with clear exciting goals to take Fairtrade further. A big thanks is in order to the ongoing support of government, the public and campaigners, that an increasing number of farmers in developing countries are now selling their products on Fairtrade terms, bringing them a stable income, and the chance to trade their way out of poverty.”