St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Dominica will benefit from a United Nations initiative on strengthening climate change resilience and food security.
The Joint Programme (JP) aims to contribute to resilient livelihoods and food security through data, digitalization and sectoral linkages. The two (2) year JP will draw on the power of data, information systems and sectoral linkages to mitigate the impacts of climate change and related shocks at the household, community and national levels, promote and protect food security, livelihoods and strengthen resilience in a gender-responsive manner. The transformational feature of the JP and the main difference from the conventional approach to data collection is that it will utilize multi-stakeholder partnerships and recent advances in information and communication technologies to repurpose available and new data. The repurposing of data will help to improve the design, execution and evaluation of social protection and agriculture programmes targeting marginalized groups.
The SDG-F JP will benefit the marginalized and vulnerable groups to include women, children, girls, youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, indigenous people, and rural workers. The JP will also target Small-scale Farmers, Artisanal Fishers, and [Micro] and Value Chain Actors.
Outputs and key activities
Output 1: Improved data on hazards, risk and vulnerability and geo-spatial systems
1.1 Review available multi-level hazard and risk data sets
1.2 Conduct gender-sensitive vulnerability, poverty and risk analyses
1.3 Strengthen analytical capacities
1.4 Carry out disaster risk management systems analysis for agriculture
1.5 Develop evidence-based outputs including thematic maps and/or dashboards
Output 2: More robust digital data systems, assessments and registries on farmers, fishers and vulnerable households
2.1 Map ecosystem of currently deployed sectoral and household data systems
2.2 Support the digitalization of data systems and registries
2.3 Develop and strengthen social protection and agriculture digital data collection tools, processes and data management
2.4 Consolidate/integrate vulnerability and risk information
Output 3: Improved linkages between agricultural and social protection sectors, including livelihoods
3.1 Build capacities for resilient ag/fisheries livelihoods programming
3.2 Strengthen small-holder farmers/fishers’ access to institutional markets
3.3. Strengthen livelihoods for social protection beneficiaries
3.4 Explore innovative financing modalities in response to shocks linked to agriculture and social protection
3.5 Analysis on how disasters have altered priorities on agriculture, social protection and resilience.
3.6 Share knowledge and best practices
Anticipated Results
- Communities most vulnerable to impacts of climate change benefit from improved early warning, risk and vulnerability data and geospatial information systems, which include linkages to agricultural, disaster risk management and social protection policies, systems and financing, thereby accelerating achievement of SDGs 1, 2, 5, 13, 17.
- Digital data systems, assessments and national registries on farmers, fishers and vulnerable households are enhanced, including protocols for their use in the event of shocks in order to advance and protect livelihoods, food security and development/recovery gains and ensure no one is left behind.
- Some of the most vulnerable farmer/fisher households enhance their resilience and food security through improved linkages between agricultural and social protection sectors, expanded market and climate information services, improved farm/fisher data, and more inclusive risk management practices (including diversification), which consider differentiated opportunities, risks and impacts facing women and men.
Regional partners: The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), The Caribbean Agricultural Development Institute (CARDI), The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), The Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), and the University of West Indies (UWI) system.
The executing agencies include The World Food Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, while the National Coordinating Authorities are the Ministry of Blue and Green Economy Agriculture and National Food Security in the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, and Ministry of Mobilization, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs, Youth, Housing, and Human Settlement in the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.