Currently, the St Vincent police are investigating the 25th homicide for 2022, and Leader of the Opposition Godwin Friday said this year appears to be on track to be a record-breaking one. Friday, however, said that this should not be a record we are striving for.
“Throughout the years, there has been concern about the amount of violent crime in this country that doesn’t seem to go down, just moderates for a while, and then resumes in the wrong direction.”
“Despite saying they would be tough on crime and the causes of crime, the government is unable to demonstrate to the people that they have control of the situation so that people can feel safe in their communities”.
“Drive-by shootings are very dangerous. There are a lot of people who could be injured or killed innocently by these kinds of actions by persons who are in possession of weapons that they should not have and feel that they can do these things with impunity”.
Friday said the crime situation is a very serious matter for the citizens of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. We as a community have to take control of the situation, he said.
“There is no evidence that the government has control of the crime situation in this country. It is like there is no steady leadership or hand on the tiller guiding this country. We are headed in the wrong direction.”.
In the Old Montrose community, two men were killed in a drive-by shooting on Thursday night.
Homicides for 2022
Saturday 1 January Joseph Michael McKie
Saturday 22 January Joshua Pompey
Saturday 29 January Kevin George
Saturday, 5 February Renaldo Hamilton
Monday 14 February Ella Cordice
Thursday 3 March Owen Stoddard
Sunday 27 March Andy Baptiste
Sunday 10 April Jeremiah Daniel
Friday 29 April Vandyke Duke & Kishroy Duke
Sunday 1 May Luann Roberts
Monday 2 May Keyon Phillips
Thursday 12 May Precious Williams
Monday 16 May Elon Barber + Daniel Skerrit
Wednesday 1 June Calvin Jordan
Saturday 18 June Cassian Stapleton
Monday 27 June Kishorn Jackson
Friday 1 July Roland Baptiste
Thursday 14 July Darius Bynoe
Thursday 14 July Zimron Richards