The SVG Red Cross Community Resilience Project handed over a quantity of emergency response equipment to members of the Overland/Magum Community Disaster Response Team (CDRT). The handing over took place Friday 11th February in the Overland Community.
Members of the Overland/Magum CDRT were on hand to receive the equipment valued at XCD $6,000.00 and which was handed over by the Director General of the SVG Red Cross, Dora James. The Director encouraged the recipients to be good custodians of the equipment and wished them well in their future endeavors. The fifteen member strong CDRT has received their personal emergency equipment previously and members were presented with the opportunity to be trained in emergency response.
The core areas of training provided to the Overland/Magum CDRTs to respond to community emergencies included but is not limited to Shelter Management, Health in Emergencies, Fire and Light Search and Rescue, Psychosocial Support, Gender and Child Protection and Community Engagement and Responsibility.
Principal of the Touroma Primary School Ruth Woods was on hand to witness the handover of the equipment.