The Atlantic High Pressure System remains the dominant feature across the islands, with cool brisk winds bringing occasional clouds and a few scattered showers across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).
Saharan dust could create a film of haze across our area at times.
Fresh-strong (35 – 45km/h) cool breeze continues across our islands, with wind directions ranging from northeast to easterly in some locations.
Wind speeds could become gusty especially near showers…Remain Alert…A gradual reduction in wind speeds (30 – 35km/h) can be expected by late Monday and durng Tuesday.
Sea conditions are moderate to rough in open water, with swells ranging 1.5m to 1.8m west of our islands and 2.0m to 3.0m east of our islands. Swell heights are expected to gradually fall, becoming slight to moderate (1.2m – 2.5m) across SVG by Tuesday…Small-craft operators and sea-bathers should continue to exercise caution.