“Diamond is undergoing significant transformation; a revolutionary shift is occurring in Diamond, characterised by swift changes that reflect the broader evolution happening throughout Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,” stated Finance Minister Camilo Gonsalves during his remarks at the inauguration of the new Holiday Inn Express Hotel.
Gonsalves remarked that the presence of a world-class airport and the increasing number of planes arriving in SVG each day would enhance the economic impact further.
“Visitors are arriving from Canada, London, New York, Miami, and soon, directly from North Carolina.” Over the last year, 68 taxi operators have submitted applications for concessions to launch new taxi services in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, responding to the increase in visitors. Local investors have purchased six and seven tour buses to transport people to and from the resorts. New companies are being established to create uniforms for staff members. New tours are now available. Companies are organising tours of the volcano, river excursions, and fishing trips around Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Gonsalves stated that the takeoff is underway, and this serves as an illustration of the kind of engine that will keep it moving forward.
I commend the Prime Minister for his foresight and for backing initiatives such as this. “I assure you, in a few years, we will look back and remember that we were present for the opening of the Holiday Inn Express and Suites and witnessed a new chapter in the evolution of tourism in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,” Gonsalves stated.