(caribbeanlifenews) Jackson Farrell, the long-standing president of the Brooklyn, New York-based St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ Ex-Teachers Association, has joined the vast number of Vincentians in the Diaspora and at home in welcoming the Feb. 14 opening of the Argyle International Airport (AIA).
“The airport, whether we like it or not, is coming on stream,” said Farrell, a former La Croix, Marriaqua resident, in addressing, the gala, sell-out 34th Anniversary Luncheon of his group, at Grand Prospect Hall in Brooklyn.
“When the Comrade [Prime Minister Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves] passes on, the airport will still be there,” added the recently retired public school teacher in Brooklyn. “So, let us stop the ‘dotishness’ [opposition to the international airport].”
In his remarks in the souvenir journal, Farrell, who taught elementary and secondary schools in St. Vincent and the Grenadines before migrating to New York, said the opening of the AIA “brings with it “blessings and challenges.”
He said the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Ex-Teachers Association has been “an integral part” of the Brooklyn-based Friends of Argyle International Airport, the group that has been raising funds to assist construction of the airport.
“We have stated clearly that we recognize certain projects purely through the prism of national interest and not as any political partisan objective,” Farrell said.
Photo and story Nelson A. King