Students from St. Vincent and the Grenadines studying at colleges and universities in Ontario, Canada, are benefitting from opportunities offered by the St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Toronto (SVGAT) and the Council of Caribbean Associations-Canada (CCAC) to finance their education.
Over the last 3 years, at least 4 students have won bursaries and full tuition-paid scholarships, and in one instance, lightning proverbially struck a family twice, where two brothers, both on the Dean’s Honor Roll, in successive years won over other students and were awarded scholarships to study at Seneca Polytechnic. In 2023, Lenron Doyle won the first full tuition-paid scholarship sponsored by Seneca Polytechnic through the CCAC and on November 17, 2024, his brother, Donalan was adjudged the winner of a similar scholarship. Both brothers are enrolled in business administration programs and Donalan aspires to become an airline pilot.
At the SVGAT’s 2024 Independence Gala on October 26, Tiffani Sardine, a student at George Brown College pursuing a bachelor’s degree in commerce, won one of three SVGAT bursaries. In 2022, Ethan Anthony, studying at the University of Windsor with aspirations of being an airline pilot won a CCAC bursary.
The SVGAT was founded in December 1968 and is the main organization of SVG nationals living in Toronto. It started its scholarship program in 2005 and allows students of SVG descent living and studying in Ontario to be eligible for its $1,000.00 bursaries.
The CCAC, founded in 2009 is an umbrella organization of 14 national associations within the Caribbean community in Toronto. The CCAC began its scholarship and bursary program in 2012 and now offers bursaries as well as full tuition scholarships in partnership with Seneca Polytechnic and George Brown College.