The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects the vile hoax promoted by the government of Guyana which, through its foreign minister, Hugh Hilton Todd, intends to spread a hostile and malicious false narrative about an alleged attack against Guyanese troops. This is a false flag operation and a fake news story designed to manipulate public opinion and divert attention from the violations of international law that Guyana commits in Guayana Esequiba.
Venezuela is investigating the facts and the first elements gathered point to the fact that elements linked to illegal mining, which operate in Guayana Esequiba under the protection of the Guyanese army and police, were attacked and injured. These citizens are currently receiving medical attention in Venezuelan territory.
We denounce that the government of Guyana, in its eagerness to cover up its illegal actions in the disputed territory, resorts to disinformation and warmongering propaganda to justify its increasing militarization, supported by the United States Southern Command, which constitutes a threat to regional peace.
Venezuela demands that the foreign minister of Guyana cease his aggressions and lies and instead of fomenting confrontation, he complies with his obligation under the Geneva Agreement of 1966, which establishes as the only way direct negotiation between the parties for the resolution of the territorial dispute.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its firm commitment to peace and to the restitution of its sovereign rights over Guayana Esequiba, in strict adherence to international law and historical truth.