UNGA Recognizes President Nicolas Maduro’s Representative
The decision of the United Nations General Assembly is a victory against the U.S. attempt to create a “Colonial State” by promoting former lawmaker Juan Guaido as “Interim president.” On Monday, December 6th, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) approved a resolution confirming the credentials of diplomats who are qualified to participate and represent their countries before this multilateral organization. Among them is Samuel Moncada, the permanent representative of the Venezuelan State to the United Nations (UN).
Through this decision, the UN members made a tacit recognition that the government headed by President Nicolas Maduro is the only legitimate government of the Republic of Venezuela. Prior to this formality, Ambassador Moncada has been always the only diplomat representing Venezuela at the UN, even at the most critical moments of the attempts to destabilize the Maduro administration. The recognition made by the UNGA, which invalidates any claim of former lawmaker Juan Guaido to present himself as “Interim president”, was not supported by the United States and its allies, namely Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Israel, Paraguay, the United Kingdom, and South Korea.
Once the resolution was approved, Moncada immediately thanked the representatives of 177 countries for ratifying him once again as the only legitimate and direct spokesperson for the Venezuelan State. “We thank the member states of this Assembly for accepting our credentials, rejecting the colonial aggression against our country and recognizing the will of our people,” he said.
Source: TelesurEnglish
Oil production in 930,000 barrels per day in the first week of December according to PDVSA
PDVSA achieved a total oil production of 930,000 barrels per day in the first week of December, 12/05/2021, with which it is approaching the level of one million barrels expected for the end of the year, reveals an internal report from the company.
The level of production reached was due to the effort of exploration and production workers, who face the arduous task of overcoming delays and incidents in the fields, which are largely caused by the already questioned divestment and neglect of work. maintenance, which preceded and led to the application of sanctions by the US government.
The production figure for the first week of December is far from the 500,000 BD marked at the end of 2020, and from its increase to 590,000 BD marked in October 2021, according to the data provided by OPEC.
Source: CiudadCcs
Venezuela remembers First Electoral Victory of Hugo Chavez
His electoral campaign was based on the proposal of a Constituent Assembly so that the Venezuelans could achieve the instruments requiered to achieve a radical social transformation. On December 6, 1998, Commander Hugo Chavez won the presidential elections and ended over 40 years of a two-party system through which Venezuelan elites-controlled power through the “Acción Democrática”and Social Christian Party (COPEI) parties.
In that electoral process, Chavez obtained 56.2 percent of the votes, widely surpassing Henrique Salas (39.9 percent) and Irene Saenz (2.8 percent). The promise of a participatory democracy When Hugo Chavez was named a presidential candidate for the V Republica Movement (MVR) in 1997, he did not exceed 10 percent of the voting intention. However, this situation changed radically after his tour of cities and towns in the country.
His electoral campaign was based on the proposal of a Constituent Assembly so that the Venezuelan people could achieve the instruments required to achieve a radical social transformation. With Chavez, the People rule! This was a slogan that summed up this historical task.
Source: TelesurEnglish
CPI: investigation in Venezuela does not seek regime change
The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, said on Monday that his investigation in Venezuela for alleged crimes against humanity “is not in the business of regime change”.
The ICC Prosecutor’s Office “only tries to address impunity and investigate independently,” Khan said during the ICC Assembly of States Parties, which is held annually and began this Monday in The Hague, reports EFE.
Khan announced the opening of the investigation on an official visit to Caracas on November 3, when he met with the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, and announced in parallel the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Government.
Regarding the possible consequences of the open investigation, the chief prosecutor warned that “there are no predetermined objectives, there cannot be any” and “no preconceived results”.
The prosecutor expressed his desire to return to Caracas next year to “promote interaction” with the Venezuelan authorities.
Source: Últimas Noticias
The broad agreement that has made 21n mega-elections possible
If anything is an indicator of the maturity of Venezuela’s democracy, it is the capacity it has had to absorb forced situations of conflict and instability within its legal and electoral framework established by its Constitution. The episodes of political violence, where there have been a constant denial of the political institutions of the country, have insistently got repeated, time and time again, but have collided with this well-established political culture. Elections are a fundamental aspect of any democratic system, and in Venezuela, elections have manifested as a renewed commitment to coexistence and reconciliation within the context of strong pressures experienced in the country.
The November 21 mega-elections, and the broad agreement that made the formal convocation of the elections possible, have confirmed the Venezuelan people’s—and the contending parties’—will to consolidate the democratic pathways of the Venezuelan Constitution. These upcoming mega-elections have a high historical value; they are the product of a broad and unprecedented consensus between political and social sectors that are trying to strategically reestablish the consolidation of the foundations of harmony and stability intrinsic to the Republic. The 21N mega-elections have once again demonstrated how a connection between political-social dialogue and the democratic exercise of the vote and political participation configures the base of an always threatened but mature democracy that is trying to remain rooted.
Source: Mision Verdad
US Government and Media Conceal the Reality of Venezuela
Ted Snider, an expert in the analysis of patterns in U.S. foreign policy and history, assessed the latest regional and local elections in Venezuela, and said that if the opposition had won, the media would have been full of front pages about the removal of Nicolas Maduro and Hugo Chavez’s party, but that is not the case.
So the media have kept it secret from the U.S. public, he pointed out. The United States government and media are hiding the reality of what is happening in Venezuela, commented today the Antiwar.com website.
A report written by Ted Snider, an expert in the analysis of patterns in U.S. foreign policy and history, emphasized that “there is something that the White House and the media do not want you to know.”
Convinced that Chavez and Maduro’s party would win when Washington did not want it to win, they then put pressure on the opposition to boycott the voting to make it look illegitimate. However, he noted, “the people elected Maduro and supported his government. When that didn’t work, the U.S. government pressured opposition parties to run in the hope of defeating Maduro. But the people elected Maduro’s party.”
Snider indicated that a delegation of experts from a U.S. legal group, among other election observers, said the election was “balanced and transparent.”
Source: Telesur
Ministry of Tourism presents promotional campaign for FITVEN 2021
From the Amazonas room of the Ministry of Popular Power for Tourism, the minister Ali Padrón presented the campaign that will govern the International Tourism Fair of Venezuela (Fitven) 2021 that will be held in the Military Circle of Mamo, La Guaira state from December 14 to 16. During the event, the minister stressed that with these actions it is intended to make Venezuela a power in tourism, changing the vision to go from the rentier oil economy to the one that favored outbound tourism to the productive export economy that benefits the development of national and receptive tourism.
Likewise, he announced that in this edition Cuba, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa and Iran will participate as invited countries and 16 face-to-face countries with cultural and culinary activities and presentation of destinations; as well as participating in the Business Roundtable, forums and seminars related to the motto established by the World Tourism Organization “Growth with inclusive development” such as crypt economics and sustainable tourism. Padrón informed those entrepreneurs in the tourism sector who want to sign up for business rounds and participate in Fitven 2021, they can go to www.mintur.gob.ve
Source: VTV.gob.ve
Venezuela participates in the 25th edition of the International Tourism Fair of Latin America in Argentina
“From our sister nation of Argentina, Venezuela participates in the International Tourism Fair of Latin America, with beautiful cultural presentations, samples of Venezuelan export products and exhibitions of the natural and certain benefits of our multi-destination country”, as stated by the minister of the Popular Power for Tourism, Alí Padrón through his Twitter account. He indicated that “visitors have also been able to enjoy a sample of delicious Venezuelan coffee with export quality. Venezuela is open to the future!”. The companies that are representing Venezuela are Conviasa, Venetur, Bancoex and tour operators.
In this fair more than 126 countries and more than 25,000 exhibitors participate.
Source: VTV.gob.ve
They design strategies to empower the Popular Power of the National Water System
In order to strengthen the water supply, the country’s authorities drew up strategies to empower the people of the National Water System, as instructed by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros. The meeting, in which strategies were drawn, was attended by the Sectorial Vice President of Public Works and Services, G / J Néstor Reverol, together with the Minister of Popular Power for Water Attention, Rodolfo Marco Torres, the president of Hidroven, Evelyn Vásquez, among other authorities. “We take advantage of the different expressions of Popular Power to empower them of the Water System, in addition to carrying out a national registry of people with experiences in plumbing and repair of breakdowns in the different communities that support the work that is going to be carried out by the national Government and so they are the guarantors of the operation of the service “, assured Reverol. During the meeting they addressed issues such as commercialization, chemical control of the National Industry of Water (Inasa), a company created by the President of the Republic, to generate parts and pieces, as well as the creation of large workshops for the repair of engines and pumps of the National Water System.
Source: VTV.gob.ve
With the Peace Quadrants, public policies are territorialized in favor of the people
The different State security agencies are deployed in the 2,440 Peace Quadrants, in all entities, 320 municipalities and 701 parishes of the country, of which 2,392 are terrestrial and 48 aquatics, and the public policies of the Government are territorialized in all Bolivarian favor of the Venezuelan people. “In these spaces we work for the preservation of citizen security, crime prevention, risk management and coordination of all public services in each Peace Quadrant,” said the general director of Citizen Security of the Ministry of Popular Power to Internal Relations, Justice and Peace (MPPRIJP), G / B Américo Villegas.
Villegas pointed out that in the Quadrants of Peace there is a special characteristic that is the territorialization of public policies, because “everything that has to do with public services converges through them: electricity, water, fuel, gas, health, food, solid waste collection, transportation and other aspects of interest related to the well-being of the population in the Quadrants ”, he added, according to the institution’s press release.
Source: VTV.gob.ve