First Vincentian female to graduate from the University of Trinidad and Tobago with Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science/Maritime Operations
Shantell Compton, from the village of Prospect, is the first Vincentian to graduate from the University of Trinidad and Tobago with a Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science/Maritime Operations.
Compton, in an interview, told the St. Vincent Times.
“My academic journey was no easy feat; I am not able to put into words all of the many challenges I have encountered throughout this process. However, I must make mention that, as a mom, this was nowhere near easy, and I couldn’t do it alone.”
“I wish to take this opportunity to thank first and foremost my Heavenly Father. I absolutely could not have made it this far without God by my side. I also wish to thank my family, friends, and all of my loved ones and well-wishers who have been my pillars of support and encouragement over the years. I wish to thank the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for granting me the opportunity to further my studies. Your dedication and commitment to aid in the successful completion of my studies are immeasurable. Many thanks to the University of Trinidad and Tobago for accepting me into your portal and for believing in me.”
“I feel humbled to mention that I became the first female Vincentian to graduate from the University of Trinidad and Tobago with such a degree. It is always a great feeling to know that you have attained becoming the first at something.”
“Taking the elephant out of the room, there is no limit to what we as females can do. The maritime industry may seem to be a male-dominated area, and perhaps the reason why there aren’t more women in the maritime sector is simply due to a lack of knowledge that it’s an available career path, and I am here to help change that.”
Going forward, Compton shared these words of encouragement:
“The world in my perspective is an illusion; it reflects our state. The world reflects how we are, how we think, or how we feel. For instance, if we are in a happy mood, we see the world as a happy place. We should therefore always remain positive even through the most difficult times.”
“The most important thing that you can do for yourself is to not compare yourself with others. Your journey and theirs will never be the same. Stay true and committed to you. The moment you do that will be the moment you elevate; it may happen swiftly or it may occur gradually; either way, it will happen. Don’t ever give up, and don’t ever compare!”