(WEFM) — WEFM Radio is hosting its 3rd annual summer reading challenge this year.
The challenge, which started in 2014, was designed to create reading ambassadors, who would entice their peers to be confident, proficient and efficient readers.
It is also a tool to expose teens to careers in media.The program will run from July 28th to August 12th, 2016, with one week of broadcast training provided to five (5) finalists in the challenge, who will be prepared to read the news LIVE on air.
The program is open to teens age 13 to 15 years.Applicants will go through a preliminary reading round, after which five (5) finalists will be selected.
Application forms can be collected at WEFM’s Kingstown office (located upstairs First St. Vincent Bank), or WEFM’s Questelles office. The deadline for submitting forms is July 27th, 2016.
The most outstanding participant in the challenge will receive a Tablet, a cash prize and a bag pack with school supplies.
The first and second runner-ups will receive smart phones.All the finalists will receive a bag pack with school supplies.
The 2015 winner was Lynallia Isaacs, of Vermont, a student of the Thomas Saunders Secondary School.
The 2014 winner was Neleisha Robertson of Layou and former student of the St. Joseph’s Convent Kingstown.